RURITAGE will be among the protagonists of the European Startup Village Forum on 28 February 2023 in Brussels.
This 2023 edition of the Forum will discuss the main elements and enabling conditions of the Startup Village concept, through a genuine science-for-policy interaction, supporting the identification and analysis of triggering factors for innovation and startup creation in rural areas. Professor Simona Tondelli will participate and discuss how innovation and entrepreneurship can strengthen rural areas in the EU today.
Register now at this link to attend the the Forum in Brussels.
Discover the Startup Village Forum
The Startup Village Forum is part of a larger vision for rural areas in the EU. The vision, set out by the European Commission in 2021, identifies several areas of action toward stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas and communities by 2040. It includes a flagship action on Research and Innovation for Rural Communities aiming at contributing to the development of a strong ecosystem. This brings together public and private players for rural communities to thrive, and be an attractive place for innovators to work and live.
In this context, the annual European Startup Village Forum promotes knowledge exchange and cooperation activities. It works like an open space, where institutions and stakeholders can meet, discuss and shape action for startup-driven innovation in rural areas.
The full event can be followed via livestream.