The experience of Geo Naturpark in RURITAGE continues

Geo Naturpark Rimbach school exchange website Germany

During the time of Ruritage Geo Naturpark developed a stronger bond with its Role Model, Lesvos UNESCO Global Geopark. This led to enhanced interest in the region from the district councillor and his wish to visit Lesvos Geopark. This five day visit took place in April 2023 and Mr Christian Engelhardt, district councillor, was accompanied by Dr. Jutta Weber, managing director of GeoN.

A school exchange between Rimbach and Agiosos

Parallel and over the recent months, a school in our region was working toward an exchange visit with a school from the island of Lesvos. The Martin-Luther-Schule in Rimbach is one of GeoN’s partner schools and welcomed pupils from Agiosos Highschool Lesvos during the second week in May 2023. GeoN was involved in the exchange with one day excursion with the group of Greek and German pupils though the Felsenmeer. The “Sea of rocks” is a place of special geological significance. Beyond geological interest, the immediate surrounding also served as an ideal place to speak about sustainability, climate change and its impacts right at our own doorsteps.


Actions still ongoing from the time of RURITAGE project

The Fruit Tree of the Year

As in previous years, GeoN continued awarding a “Fruit Tree of the Year”. This event is drawing attention to the protection and preservation of local fruit varieties and the sustainable use of orchards on the GeoN territory.
In 2023, the specific orchard tree is an old pear variety (Seckel-Löbs-Birne, pyrus communis), named after a local Rabbi in Michelstadt in the late 18th early 19th century. Subsequently, the initial planting of the Fruit Tree of the Year took place in Michelstadt in attendance with the local major and other representatives of the community.

the fruit tree of the year GeoN Rimbach 2

Climate Heroes

The action “Climate Heroes” that was initiated during the Ruritage period was refined through the experiences gained during the project. Hence the conditions of the pandemic did not allow a closer approach towards citizen science, this aspect gained more weight now. GeoN developed an app to encourage students of intermediate school age to engage with the topics of recognizing nature, engage with protection of habitats and develop sensitivity for animal and plant life around them. This project is currently ongoing through the summer.

Partnership with Lesvos Global Geopark

The partnership and exchange with our Role Model, Lesvos UNESCO Global Geopark, is ongoing as described above.

The benefits from the cooperation in RURITAGE network

Connecting up with Lesvos Geopark has definitely intensified during Ruritage and we feel we benefit from the various levels of exchange and cooperation. However, this is always connected with specific logistics both sides to facilitate encounters, visits, etc. acting across countries and bridging language gaps (e.g. engaging with pupils of lower senior levels in English whose first languages are either Greek or German).
Therefore, we also feel that activities around the topic of “Climate Heroes” are showing an interesting dynamic as the topic is being modified and GeoN is approached by communal bodies who are taking further interest in it.