Psiloritis Geopark was founded in 2001 as natural park by the developmental organization AKOMM – PSILORITIS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY S.A, ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT with the scientific support of the Natural History Museum of Crete. Due to its rich geodiversity, its picturesque scenery and its longlasting history and tradition, Psiloritis geopark was included, from its early foundation, at the European Geoparks Network, and later at the Global Geoparks Network. Since then, Psiloritis geopark, in co-operation with the Municipalities and other Bodies of the local authorities and communities, developed the appropriate infrastructure to provide to both its inhabitants and its guests a high quality life in a non-urban environment.
The Psiloritis Geopark is part of the RURITAGE network since the beginning of the project. We interviewed Babbis Fassoulas, geologist and Crete’s Rural Heritage Hub coordinator, to find out some news in their activities
What has happened since last time we spoke?
In Psiloritis, we continued the implementation of the Action Plan, especially for the finalising the Strategy of the territory through the development of a 5-years Action Plan for the geopark. We have welcomed and supported a master thesis student from the Netherlands conducting a study on the impact of tourism in the traditional pottery of Margarites village. The Geopark participates in a new Horizon 2020 project (RescueMe) for the protection of cultural landscapes in respect to climate change impacts.
What actions that you implemented during the project are still ongoing in any way?
The Geopark has added two new digital applications for the promotion of the geo-and bio-diversity of the geopark.
We are organising the 3d Geopark festival for the coming August.
Many school classrooms visited the Geoparkand discovering the educational program “Reuse, Recycle and reduce”.
We continue raising awareness activities on the problem of wastes by organising an event for the 8th of July 2023.
What action has had the largest impact?
The Educational program for recycling and waste treatment.