WestBIC, the exploitation manager of the RURITAGE Tools

exploitation ruritage tools

WestBIC is the Official EU Business and Innovation Centre for Ireland’s Border, Midlands and Western Region. In RURITAGE project they provided the action plans for the exploitaion of all of the useful tools created by the partners.

Discover the RURITAGE Tools

The Tools are described and included in the exploitation plan that are of use to those outside the network. The Exploitation plan provides the roadmap to achieve this.

The exploitable tools developed through the RURITAGE project are listed as follows:

  • Methodology and Branding
  • RURITAGE Resource Eco-system (an integrated platform), that incorporates the following individual tools, and hosts the Digital Heritage Hub (online communications platform used during the project):
    • Replication Toolbox
    • RURITAGE Atlas
    • Decision Support System (DSS)
    • Monitoring Platform
    • My Cult Rural Toolkit
  • RURITANIA Serious Game Kit
  • Skills Development through:

Here you can find all the RURITAGE Network resources (publications, deliverables, webinars and many more experiences from your partners). We have tried to gather our experiences and lessons learned during the project through journal papers. If you want to dig a bit deeper, you can read about outcomes here.